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Procurement Outsourcing

To benefit from new markets, one must have local resources with expert knowledge of the procurement process and product groups.Equip Up provide businesses in emerging markets a structured flexible set of procurement outsourcing options custom configured to meet your specific needs. From end-to-end procurement outsourcing to supply chain operation solutions like category management, strategic sourcing and procurement operations.

Working with Equip Up allows companies to benefit immediately from experienced procurement specialists support & expertise. This avoids the creation of an internal team (new resources) and the required time for that team to structure itself, its processes, and its expertise.


Procurement outsourcing benefits from Equip Up are;

  Cost savings: Equip Up’s leverage our scale and expertise to negotiate better prices and terms with suppliers, resulting in cost savings for the organizations who have entrusted us with their Procurement needs.

  Improved efficiency: By handling procurement functions on behalf of our customers, We streamline processes and improve efficiency, freeing up internal resources to focus on core business activities.

  Access to expertise: Our deep expertise in procurement practices offers insights and best practices to improve procurement processes for our clients.

  Risk mitigation: Equip Up help manage risks related to procurement, such as supply chain disruptions or supplier performance issues, by implementing robust risk management strategies.

  Scalability: Our Procurement Outsourcing service offer flexible, scalable solutions that can adapt to changing business needs, such as seasonal demand or growth.

Equip Up’s Procurement outsourcing activities:

Direct procurement.
Direct categories are all goods purchased by the company which directly enter the production process of that company. For the food industry as an example, ingredients and packaging will be the key direct procurement categories.

Indirect Procurement
Indirect categories are all the goods and services that are bought by the company to enable its activity. This entails a wide scope, including marketing related services (media buying, agencies), IT related services (hardware, software), HR related services (recruitment agencies, training) facilities management and office services (Telecoms, furniture, cleaning, catering, printers), or utilities (gas, electricity, water) and so on

Procurement Outsourcing is not just for Big Guy’s anymore!
Equip Up offers point solutions, integrated services, and end-to-end procurement outsourcing. Together we can build the best approach to suit your specific strategic, operational, and financial objectives.

Savings-Focused Procurement Outsourcing Services

  Spend Analysis
  Strategic Sourcing
  Category Management
  Sourcing Support
  Tail-Spend Management

Operations-Focused Procurement Outsourcing Services

  Transactions Management
  Contract Management
  Sourcing Process Management
  (VMI) Vendor Managed Inventory

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